Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, it's Valentine's Day and I'm Sad (hbu?)

Before and after many a relationship, you might find yourself muttering the words "Baby, don't hurt me" to signify the vast vulnerability you may feel for a particular person or persons (we don't judge.) And after or before that, like a bad Jeopardy game, the world answers "What is love?" and expects you to deal with it. Hello, I'm Justice Seymour and this is my "Fuck Valentine's Day" blog that I've been meaning to write since the first fucking Valentine's Day. To quote Philly D (hopefully the first and last time I name drop DeFranco (look, I like his news, it's less than 20 minutes from my day.)) let's just jump into it.

Image result for anti romantic memes
I can listen to oodles of love songs. I love Moulin Rouge. I love love (and the Netflix series Love, its a good show despite being very inside basebally at times with it's California setting). Correction, I like love? I enjoy the idea that a person will do irrational things for no clearer reason than they just can't quit another person. Now, I'm not trying to delve into like weird 50 Shades of Grey or You (I haven't seen either, but I need to stay hip. See You on Netflix) sorta stuff, I'm just talking about good ol' positive relationshippy thingys.

I don't mean to be the one against Valentine's Day for the sake of love. I do appreciate the positive emotions that come out of a bunch of people trying to spread that sort of affection but....Ah, fuck it. Yeah I'm single! I've been single 5ever with a capital 5. And it's sad alright!? It's just sad! I mean damn! 

Image result for moulin rouge memeLook, I'm just going to rant. Firstly, Winter happens. It's cold. People aren't going out as much. In college, people spend the entire Fall trying to find someone to latch onto so when Winter comes around they have infinite supply of company (and cumpany). It's cold cuddly season. Then, during the coldest, darkest, saddest time of year everyone is trying and usually failing to do their big changes and whatnot and then Valentine's Day comes around and if you're in a relationship then, ayee, you've been going on for about 3 or 4 monthsish now. So everyone is going around doing the Lovey Dovey thing. Awesome. Good for you and them. HOWEVER, listen if I'm alone, its my fault. Either lack of confidence, effort, or anything of actual value. 

Image result for valentines day sucksI'm not saying don't have a Valentine's Day, what I'm saying is maybe move it to the Spring or Summer time when people are more likely to be "spreading the love." I'm thinking for the single people! When you're single (and sad about it) the holidays don't do you any favors. You go home, visit your family. It's fun but stressful in a lot of ways. Then you come back and its the coldest and darkest time of year. You're already feeling kinda sad, and it's only getting worse because of the cold dark weather. Then Valentine's Day comes around and you're thinking "Omg, why am I so alone?" "Do I have any value? Why does nobody want me the way everyone seems to want everyone else?"  And you don't wanna talk to your pals about it because fuck off with your lonely feelings you needy puppy! At least in the summer, you can take a walk, reflect, be active. Go be your own person! Plus everyone else is around so statistically you'd be more likely to meet people which means you'd be more likely to, ya know, put the wang in the thang and bang. That sounds more fun than sitting in your room being lazy, feeling lonely, smoking weed and feeling more lonely and suddenly notice how terribly pudgy you are and then you feel lonely and high being lazy and now hungry but also you don't want to eat because you just thought about the pudge, but then you're like "Eff it! Nobody's gonna love me anyways!" and go on the endless cycle. 
Image result for valentines day sucks

Last paragraph I swear. Love is great. Valentine's Day can be great. I've spent every single Valentine's Day of my life single, so when I try to feel bad about it I more get mad at myself for feeling like I should be expecting different in a sense. Or at least think "You've done it before, you  can do it again." I've been grateful in the past for PornHub allowing a free day of Premium on Valentine's Day as well. Am I proud? Tbh, a little. I asked my roommate to leave the room for a total of 5 hours on Valentine's Day my Sophomore year. Did it 5 times. It was a good day. I don't know! If you're in a relationship, good for you! But also I hate you a little. But also isn't it my job to hate you? Where's my motivation? I don't know. I'm bored. I'm tired. I'm sad, but slightly less sad. Did I say anything? Maybe not. But thanks for reading. Sorry I've wasted your time! Or if you're reading this in the bathroom, ;) hey how's it goin? I'm Justice. I'm straight, but I'm flattered. Annnnnnd, yeah. The End.

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